Sunday, 30 November 2014


Wondering if the birds at the local wood could possibly be needing a feeder, went during the morning and placed a nut feeder in a suitable tree and stood back.
The first bird was a Blue Tit, following quickly came in the Nuthatches keen to fill their larder and the chain of other birds quick to catch on.  The sun was filtering through the leafless trees making it easy to spot the otherwise hidden birds.  A Treecreeper just for once came on the Willow branches and similar followed a few Long-tailed Tits.  The black and pink feathers brightly shinning in the sunlight.
The Blue Tits were queuing to get to the feeder outnumbering the Great Tits.
Two Greatspotted Woodpeckers were drumming for insects high above the wood in the tallest and oldest trees, a Jay in the far end of the wood was screeching.  The Blackbirds were making an alarm call, what that was about I didn't see.
Deep in some Bramble scrub was a Wren singing, then began a warning call, I think it had seen that I was there.
Difficult to leave a feeder over night when there are Grey Squrriels about.

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